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聯合國的台灣判決 Taiwan on UN


[謝鎮寬]於2014-06-16 12:06:06上傳[]




身為一個台灣人,我相信大家都會因無聯合國會籍感到鬱卒。為什麼台灣不能被接納為聯合國會員?台灣可曾申請加入聯合國?根據聯合國憲章,它的會籍是開放給所有熱愛和平的國家。台灣是一個國家嗎?有人會說當然是,因台灣具備成為一個國家的所有要件 - 政府,軍隊和民選總統。但是,如果我們更深入探討細節,例如,何時建國?台灣是否擁有自己的國家主權?是否有台灣的憲法?那,我們就只有張口結舌、無言以對了。

















Taiwan on UN


As a Taiwanese, I believe we all frustrate in the UN membership. Why Taiwan can’t be accepted as member of the United Nation? Has Taiwan ever applied the UN membership? According to the UN Charter that its membership is open to all peace loving states. Is Taiwan a nation? Yes, of course Taiwan has all the elements of a nation - government, military and elected president. But, if we go more details such as when was it established? Does Taiwan own her own state sovereignty? Is there a Taiwan Constitution? We are tongue-tied.


However, there will be different answers to these questions. The Chinese Nationals Party KMT will answer you Taiwan is part of Republic of China. The major opposite party DPP will tell you Taiwan is ROC and ROC is Taiwan. Some of the Taiwan Independent group will tell you Taiwan is an independent nation and her name ROC at this time. Some TI will tell you that Taiwan is not yet a nation. But, the Communist China always say Taiwan is part of China.


Is Taiwan part of China or Taiwan of ROC? What is the relationship of Taiwan and China? The KMT government occupied Taiwan since end of WWII and brain washed Taiwanese that Taiwanese are Chinese and Taiwan is part of China. ROC/KMT/Ma said there is only one China in the world that is ROC. But in the international community and UN they only recognize the People’s Republic of China.


May 27, 2014 a group led by former DPP chairman Shih Ming-teh proposed a “Broad one-China framework” with five principles include “respect the status quo” “the status quo” “one China has been narrowed” “Forming a China to include ROC and PRC” “two sides should eliminate hostile to each other”. This “Greater one China” principle proposed by the so call bipartisan mixed with the green and the blue concepts rejected by both Beijing government and the DPP newly elected chairwoman.  PRC insists on the one country two system, KMT/Ma insists on his three noes – no unification, no independence, no use of force”. DPP/Tsai insists on the Taiwan consent – Taiwan’s future decide by the 23M Taiwanese.


All the above-mentioned notes and proposals are based upon the concept that ROC is legally owns Taiwan. Unfortunately there is no any legal document can prove that ROC owns Taiwan’s territorial sovereignty. If we tie Taiwan with ROC we go nowhere.


On November 30, 1950 Thursday 3-6:30pm the United Nations Security Council held its 530th Meeting at Lake Success, New York and made a very clear answer to China’s claim of the ownership of Taiwan with a decisive vote 9 to 1 rejected the complaint of the United States armed invasion of Taiwan. Wu Hsiu-Chuan, the official representative of the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China accused the United States aggressed/invaded China’s territory Taiwan. But the UN Security Council officially answered him NO. Even the ROC’s UN ambassador Tsiang Tingfu voted against Wu’s complaint on that day. This is the official record that Taiwan is not part of China. Please do read!  http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/PV.530 (Attachment)


Yes, all Taiwanese should read this part of history to understand their own national identities. Taiwan is not ROC and ROC is not Taiwan. Of course Taiwan is not part of China. Let’s all watch closely what title Ma is going to put on his dream meeting with China’s president Xi Jinping. Yes, ROC is part of China and should return to China but not Taiwan.  


John Hsieh

Hayward, California










笫五三〇次會議一九五〇 年十一 三十日










主席    Mr    A    BEBLER    (南斯拉夫)

出席者    下列各國代表      中國、古巴、厄瓜多、埃及、法蘭西、印度、那威、蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟、大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國、美利堅合衆國、南斯拉夫




( a )關於台灣(福摩薩)遭受武装侵犯之 控訴(績前)

   ( b )大韓民國遭受侵略之控訴 (續前)



修權先生, 大韓民國代表林先生就理亊會議席。


      Sir Gladwyn Jebb (英聯王國)   本人當然贊同美法兩代表的主張,卽當前一項聯合决議草案——文件S/1894號所載十一月十日由古巴、厄瓜多、法蘭西、那威、英國及美國共同提出的决議草案—現應付予表决,但在表決之前,本人擬極簡略說明本代表團對目前發生的整個情勢的見解。








       北京政府代表對這些明白的事實很可能毫無所知,因爲他們一直在共產主義宣傅的神話似的空氣中生活着,從未聽到過這些事實。順便可以提,蘇聯代表昨日 [第五二八次會議] 就這個問題發言時,似乎也祇說了些神話。   















       無論如何,所謂這些新興國家,無論是巳經成立或正在形成之中,將來都要受歐洲國家和美國的剝削,這種說法在共產主義者看來必然是眞的,因爲根據共產主義的理論家和預言家的推測,這是必然發生的現象。蘇聯代表昨日 [第五二八次會議] 援用列寧著作的一段,可說是共產主義者一向如何事實遷就理論的典型例證。蘇聯代表說這是典型的引證,這話絲毫不差。根據列寧的說法,這個時代按定義旣然是"帝國主義的時代",那末在這個時代中〝國際托辣斯已經開始把世界瓜分了,各大資本主義國家把世界全部領土劃分範圍業巳完成了〞結果------根據共產主義的嚴格理論---------帝國主義國家因爲各自的市場都達飽和點之故,本身自然會分散

,而帝國主義國家之間便發生"不可避免" 的戰爭。






       可是這是確實的情形。如果戰後不任蘇聯軍隊佔據朝鮮一半或一大半的領土肆意刼掠,那末這個不幸的國家早就會實現獨立自治了。此所以共方於去年六月二十五日决定要把另一半自由的朝鮮拖入蘇聯衞星國的黑暗可瞵的行列中。這是北朝鮮當局所探取的决定,並可假定曾徵得莫斯科共產黨總部的同意。 中央人民政府對此雖或表示同意 , 但是他們絕不致於看不出此項决定將來的結果。本人亦難相信他們會受共產黨國際宣傅局的催眠,居然相信此次戰爭的起因是美國爲顧全有名的托辣斯和獨佔企業的利益起見而侵略朝鲜領土。












       我們在朝鮮的目標與美國的目標完全相同,不折不扣地實現聯合國的目標,別無其他企躅。我們最欣望的莫如早日撤兵並見朝鲜能有一眞正獨立的朝鲜政府。我們在朝鮮非但不求 "托辣斯和獨佔" 特權,反而深感英國人民爲了協助朝鮮經濟的重建和復興,勢須盡重大的犧牲。
















       因此本人回頭談到原來的提議,卽關於目前議程第二項 (a)  的决議草案,現在應卽提付表决。如果該草案被否決,我們便要考慮進一步行動。但是這一點顯然需要非常嚴重的考慮,但本人仍舊希望中華人民共和國政府有鑒於本人及其他代表所說的話,事實上能注意該决議草案的內容,表明在原刖上他們可以同意整個朝鮮問題至少應該遵循他們渴望加入的國際組織所訂原則求得解决。


       主席    本人以南斯拉夫代表資格願作如下的聲明。











       本人見北京政府代表設法避免討論此項問題,且對安全理事會迫於中華人民共和國政府一手造成的情勢不得不探取的行動拒絕合作,深以爲憾。我們曾看見過不少國家-------會員國和非會員國兼而有之------ 於聯合國各機構中答復或有根據或無根據的指謫,然而這些國家之中從來沒有一個拒絕參加討論的。非但如此,有許多次非會員國還想盡辦法要求聯合國請他們對問題發表聲明。












       伍將軍對責任問題的論據顯然就是蘇聯代表在此屢曾發揮的一點,就是說,唯一要負責任的是美國。爲了說明此點,他們不惜列舉所有種種情況, 以資佐證,可是能夠斷定責任的要點却避而不提。這個基本要點便是戰事發生後初期内各政府的行爲。








       它們甚至更進一步,本人在六月二十七日於安全理事會第二次會議 [第四七四次會議] 時提出一項新决議草案,再度要求雙方停戰並撒回至北緯第三十八度,並重新提議邀請北朝鮮政府前來成功湖,希望能於最後一分鐘以和平方法解决戰事。不料此項提議竟引起東歐各國新聞界對本國政府乃至本人肆意攻擊橫加詆毀。





       南斯拉夫外交部長  M r Kardelj  於一九五〇年九月八日發表聲明說

            " 南斯拉夫人民於考慮朝鲜的情勢時,不得不顧及一項事實,卽共產黨國際宣傅局各國 












        今日中華人民共和國於朝鲜戰爭中不斷增援北 朝鮮政府,本人必須認爲中華人民共和國政府曾參 加並且在繼續積極參加蘇聯對本國的侵赂。本人必 須指出這個政府絕未脫離此項政策或蘇聯在世界其 他各地尤其是朝鮮所探的反民主政策。
















       至於造成目前情勢的過失應由那一方面的朝鮮政治頜導當局來負責,這一點祇有朝鮮人民自己才能斷定。這是 在朝鲜唯一可以遵循的途徑,唯有遵循這個途徑才能不致有擴大戰事的危險。








       Sir Benegal N RAU ( 印度) 本人在以往數日對理事會中的發言,尤其是對美國代表的聲明 [第五二八次會議] 及北京政府代表的聲明﹝五二七次會議﹞,非常注意。他們的發言完全沒有共同之點,可是其中有一點特殊的例外。這一點非常重要,本人願藉此機會略予申論。







       本人相信不祇這兩國人民有此感覺,且舉世人民均有同感。倘若全世界均渴望和平,那末我們現在極力設法尋求實現相平的方法,亦决不致於過晚。關於這一方面, 本人將來也許還得再說些話。




       Mr MALIK   (蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟)  本人曾密切注意坐在左邊的英聯王國代表發言

, 但結論認爲英國代表和美國代表都並沒有駁倒蘇聯代表圑關於美國侵略台灣的聲明中所列舉的一個事實或—點論據。


       Mr Austin   昨日說他沒有時間去研究中華人民共和國代表所舉的事實,恐怕他才沒有時問閱讀蘇聯代表圑的聲明。當事實和他們的立場相反時,算是事實倒霉,這似乎已成了英美代表的一貫作風,成了他們的習憤。他們把事實推在一邊,然後開始對蘇聯及其政策肆意加以詆毁。這樣一來他們便易於辯論和討論問題了。但是用這樣的方法是絕不會達到肯定的結論的。


       Mr Austin   和美國的統治階級隨時準備指控他人------甚至上帝-------犯侵略的罪名,但當有具體事


實的文件-------關於美國侵略行爲,  美國統治階級的侵略行爲,佔頜他人領土,遺派満載軍用品的鉅大艦隊至他國領海等事實的文件向安全理事會提出時,當別人列舉事實,證明美國公然違犯公認的國際公法規則,並促請注意此類行爲按國際公認的定義確屬侵赂行爲之時, Mr Austin  便把事實推開不管,Si r Gladwyn Jebb也同樣照辦。他們然後開始對蘇聯肆意詆毀,以爲這樣便解决了問題,證實了他們'的論據。


       這就是目前的實在情形,在此情形下,安全理事會如何能夠通過一項公允的解决辦法?在此情形下,如何能望安全理事會對中華人民共和國政府的抗議予" 客觀的考慮? M r AustinSir Gladwyn Jebb對於中華人民共和國代表與蘇聯代表聲明中所舉的昭彰事實隻字未提,這些事實向全世界證明了美國統治階級犯了直接侵略和公然侵略中國的罪行。




       Sir Gladwyn Jebb更漫無邊際地從理論與哲學的觀點侃侃而論。我們在安全理事會中對此早已論及, 本人不擬重提這一點,但從Sir Gladwyn Jebb的全部理論可以歸納一點,他是替帝國主義征服行爲和帝國主義對亞洲入民所採態度辯護的宣傳家。在我看來,這是非常明顯的,因此無論怎樣抵賴莫斯科和蘇聯,都不能掩飾Sir Gladwyn Jebb的本來面目。


       Sir Gladwyn Jebb 想證明十八及十九世紀的帝國主義是歷史的陳蹟,英聯王國往日實行帝國主義的猙獰面目固然不復存在,可是現在有麥阿瑟將軍實行帝國主義的另一方式。麥阿瑟將軍把朝鮮的村鎮城市焚燬,屠殺當地平民,強姦婦女,殺戮老弱兒童,把整個國家化爲灰燼,然後宣佈他是代表聯合國並在聯合國幟旗之下行事的。




       Sir Gladwyn Jebb 在理事會承認英國曾積極參加侵略朝鮮,試問我們能夠祈望一個積極參加美國侵略朝鮮的國家的代表說些什麼?美國和英國代表因爲本國政府聯同對朝鮮人民施以侵略,故對討論下一項問題的觀點是彼此相同的。這是無可否認的事實。


       Sir Gladwyn Jebb 說蘇聯是在極力設法強迫他人接受其制度與生活方式,本人對此已答覆多次,認爲現在無需再加答復,因爲這不外是最誹謗和訛僞的宣傅,蘇聯,蘇聯的領袖和蘇聯政府或人民都從未強迫任何人接受他們的制度,他們亦從無此意。我們不喜歡資本主義-------你們不喜歡社會主義。我們並未強迫你們接受社會主義,可是美國却利用"美國之聲" 於世界各地宣揚所謂"美國生活方式" 藉此強迫我們接受資本主義。若其他國家不願接受美國生活方式,何故必須以武力強其接受? Sir Gladwyn Jebb仔細考慮這個問題後便知他那一套哲學思想耍全部垮台,本人甚至尙未提到Sir Gladwyn Jebb 本人承認英國軍隊在馬來亞的行爲與美英軍隊在朝



       因此這兩大強國,所謂 "西方國家" 派遺軍隊前往亞洲國家的目的很顯明地是想用砲火與刀槍來阻止亞洲兩國------其實尙不止兩國-------的人民爭取自由及獨立並成爲獨立的主權國,在外交關係上與美英站在平等地位。這是不適合美國和英國統治階极的要求的,因爲後者的行動根據是獨裁原則,武力及殖民地壓迫政策,這就是整個問題的要點。


       Sir Gladwyn Jebb 說他並不勸大家聽有關方面的意見,試問英國代表是不是這個問題的有關方面?他不是顯然和這個問題直接有關嗎?可見Sir Gladwyn Jebb本人就自相矛盾。根據他的理論,凡是他的希望、意見和建議都可說是有關方面的意見。


       若是如此,理事會如何能夠考慮英聯王國代表的意見------"有關方面" 的意見?英國的軍隊、將領軍官及士兵現正在和美軍對朝鮮人民作戰。他們是干涉主義者和侵略者,因此英國代表是站在  "有關的一方",故就這個問題的全部發言都是 "有關方面的意見" 若根據英國代表的論據, 安全理事會對他的意見可以置之不理。


       Sir Gladwyn Jebb 曾重提   Mr Austin  以往在理事會初次提出的一項數字。Mr Austin  說駐台灣的美國軍官與士兵祇有四十四名。伹是 Mr JebbMr Austin   都不提據有台灣的第七艦隊及其雄厚兵力。


       本人願請  Sir Gladwyn Jebb  聽一聽他所認識的英國記者的報導。他是邱吉爾的兒子 RandolphChurchill   這是他在本月初十一月三日在每日電訊報發表一文所載消息,此項消息當然是極新近的Randolph Churchill 曾到過台灣和台北,他曾駕車巡視全島,親睹美國人在台灣的活動情形,察知他們來台灣的原因和目的。




       據  Mr Austin 在安全理事會所作聲明,現在台灣的美國軍事人員祇有四十四人,卽等於以外交人員身份派駐世界各國首都軍事代表圃的普通人數。譬如說凡與蘇聯有外交關係的國家均派有軍事代表團駐在莫斯科。在華盛頓亦駐有和美國有外交關係各國的軍事代表團,在其他國家亦有相同的情形。這些都是正常的軍事代表團。 Mr Austin 說美國駐台灣的軍事代表團亦是正常的軍事代表團。


       可是美國軍事代表團在台灣究竟做些什麼?試看Randolph Churchill對這一點的報導Admiral Jarrett指揮下的美國陸軍及海軍代表對台灣各地防線已作澈底調査,相信於必要時,國民政府(卽國民黨)軍隊六十萬人的戰鬥能力實較以往在大陸時爲強。




       再者,Mr Randolph Churchill  又說 "英國已不復承認國民政府",可是英國軍隊竟有一位聯絡官Lieutenant Commander Dennis爲代表。因此英聯王國變成了一條兩頭蛇。英國一方面承認中華人民共和國中央人民政府,但在另一方面則派遺軍事代表駐台灣與該地的美國軍事代表團打成一片。


       Randolph Churchill在同一文中提到美國對台灣的用心說“此間(指台灣) 無人相信美國會在可以預見的期內放棄台灣”。


       這是一段非常坦白與具體的聲明。美國用武力佔據了外國一個島,且無意於可以預見的期內將其放棄。因此Randolph Churchill答復了 Mr Austin所說美國在台灣毫無企圖的聲明[ 第五二八次會議] 。ChurchillAustin駁倒了。


       Randolph Churchill  又說“美國方面刻在供給國民政府軍備與極有價値的經濟援助。台灣顯已不再被認爲是戰略上的冒險。反之,一般輿論日益堅决認為該島連同所有寶貴的海軍與空軍基地如不幸落入共方手上對美國和英國的利益是嚴重的打擊。本人要強調所謂利益者不僅是指美國的而且也指英國的利益。本人這樣說是欲證明安全理事會的英國代表對這個問題的計論斷難平正客觀。又所謂台灣未受侵略一說亦無可置信。


       關於麥克阿瑟對台灣的意向與國務院耆見互相衝突一說,Randolph Churchill  坦白說出事實,並謂關於麥克阿瑟與美國國務院之間彼此意見不同等等傳說與宣傅均與事實不符。


       Randolph Churchill說 “最近外間紛紛傅說麥克阿瑟將軍與國務院意見分裂一節,似是表面現象,並非實在情形”。麥克阿瑟將軍發表致海外戰役退伍軍人會的有名文吿以前數星期-------該文件曾禁止報界發表-------國務卿艾奇遜先生曾分發一項祕密文件說明美國在東南亞的戰略需要。




       從 Randolph Churchill 這些聲明來看,麥克阿瑟將軍在對退伍軍人發表的文吿中以極其現實與坦白態度所表示的意見和國務院的政策沒有參差不同之處,而且他的意見和美國總統對遠東問題包括台灣問題的政策彼此之間也沒有出入之處。


       Randolph Churchill  指出事實的眞相。他列舉各項事實,使美國方面對麥克阿瑟將軍和國務院之間的所謂意見不同的種種傅說不攻自破。




       美國代表和英國代表對在安全理事會提出的關於台灣的決議草案隻字不提,堪予注意。他們祇是關心朝鮮問題,在這一方面, 他們得南斯拉夫代表的積極支持。後者更自吿奮勇,不惜用盡各種方法幫助美國代表擾亂世人視聽企圖莳明美國在遠東沒有侵略行爲。




議把以往從未合併的兩項問題------武力侵略台灣問題及所謂 "大韓民國遭受侵略之控訴" 問題-----合併計論。




       這種把問題歸倂起來的簡單方式本來不難發現。美國代表和他的南斯拉夫夥伴兼助手所用這種歸倂兩個問題的方法,表示南斯拉夫的統治階級和派駐安全理事會的代表已開始充分包庇美國統治階級的侵略行爲,且用完全相同的誹謗方法對付蘇聯。在這問題上,Mr Bebler Mr Austin之間毫無差別。卽用顯微鏡來檢査亦看不出什麼差別。












       侵略者對被侵略者揚言 "友善”是沒有人相信的派遣軍隊前往佔頜他人領土,然後以主人翁自居的人,口口聲聲表示友善,是無人相信的,在這樣的情形下,什麼話都難令人置信。




       主席    發首人名單上旣無其他發言人, 我們或可進行表决。但在會議之初,中華人民共和國代表詢問在各項决議草案付表決之前是否可以准他發言。現在請他發言。






















       主席    進行表决之前,我們必須决定投票程序我們雖然把朝鮮和台灣問題合倂討論,但本人提議按兩項目於議程提出的先後秩序將决議案付表决。


       本人因此提議將關於台灣問題的兩决議草案,按其提出先後秩序付表决,換句話說,卽先表决蘇聯於一九五〇年九月二日提出的决議草案[S/1757],然後表決中華人民共和國中央人民政府於一九五O年十一月三十日提出經蘇聯代表團贊助的一項决議草案。此後,我們便可以表决和朝鮮有關的唯一决議草案,卽由古巴、厄瓜多、美國、法蘭西、那威及英聯王國提出上註十一月十八日日期的决議草案 [S/1894]


       Mr MALIK ( 蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟) 主席的一番話是不是說不必理會印度代表的意願?印度代表曾說未曾奉到該國政府躕於投票立場的訓令。至今爲止,安全理事會對於未接本國政府關於投票立場訓令的任何國代表,向來都顧及其意願,主席的意思是不是說他將不顧及印度代表的意願?


       主席    印度代表並未要求理事會等到他接獲政府訓令後再來表决。他祇是指出他不能參加表决而巳。發生這種情形並不是初次。但如 M r Mahk  堅持,本人可請印度代表聲明是否要求理事會今日不舉行表决, 等到他接獲本國政府的訓令再說。


       Mr MALIK 〈 蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟)本人並未堅待任何主張,成是見剁一件事實,促請注瞀而巳。本人並不堅持任何主張。


       主席    本人提議之表决程序旣無異議,本人認爲巳得一致同意。玆將蘇聯於九月二日提出之决議草案先付表决。


       Mr MALIK 〈 蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟)鑒於該决議草案係於開始討論該問題之時提出,理事會多數國家代表已不復記憶,本人擬請將該决議草案全文宣讀。








                 "又鑒於美利堅合衆國出席聯合國代表 Mr Austin對中華人民共相國中央人民政府就







       贊成者    蘇維埃瓧會主義共和國聯盟。

       反對者    中國、古巴、厄瓜多、埃及、法蘭西、那威、大小列顚^北愛爾蘭聯合王國、




       主席    一票贊成,九票反對。理事國代表未參加表决,該决議案未通過。



       草案[S/1921] 提付表决    該决議草案全文如次



      "復鑒於美國政府對中國領土的武装侵略及其對於朝鲜的武装干涉    破壤亞洲和平與










       贊成者    蘇維埃瓧會主義共和國聯盟。

       反對者    中國、古巴、厄瓜多、埃及、法蘭西、那威、大小列顚^北愛爾蘭聯合王國、




       主席    表決結果如次    一票贊成,九票反對,無棄權。代表團未參加投票。該决議






      "復按其一九五〇年六月二十五日之决議 案內斷定北朝鮮軍隊曾犯破壊和平行爲,並


      "復按大會於一九五〇年十月七日通過之 决饞案,内列舉聯合國對朝鮮之政策,

























       贊成者    中國、古巴、厄瓜多、埃及法蘭西、那威、大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國


       反對者    蘇維埃瓧會主義共和國聯盟。

       棄權者    南斯拉夫。



       主席    該覺議草案前文表決結果如次    贊成者八,反對者一,棄權者一,代表團未




       茲將該决議草案第二部份從"申明聯合國        ”等語開始至該段之末提付表决



       贊成者    中國、古巴、厄瓜多、埃及法蘭西、那威、大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國


       反對者    蘇維埃瓧會主義共和國聯盟。



       主席    該覺議草案第表決結果如次    贊成者 九,反對者一,棄權者零,代表團未







       Mr MALIK (蘇維埃瓧會主義共和國聯盟)



       主席    一般慣例或許如  Mr Malik  所說,但議事規則並無此項規定,亦不禁止表决。此外,本人尙憶蘇聯代表曾屢次要求大會於某一决議草案各部份均經否决之後,仍將該决議案之全部付表决    本人特別記得  Mr Vyshmsky  在某一次辯論時稱投票是每一代表圑主權的行動,卽使某一决議案各部扮均經否决,該代表團對該决議案的全部仍有表示意見的權利。


Mr MALIK   ( 蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟)          主席剛才所舉的先例和目前的情形毫無關係。因此蘇聯代表團認爲沒有將該决議案提付表决的理由。


       主席    本人認爲蘇聯代表兩次發言是表示異議,而不是需要由理事會作一决定的程序動議。因此倘本入解釋無誤本人卽請安全理事會各代表表决該决議案之全部舉行舉手表決。


       贊成者    中國、古巴、厄瓜多、埃及法蘭西、那威、大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國


       反對者    蘇維埃瓧會主義共和國聯盟。



       主席    表決結果如次    贊成者九,反對者一,棄權者零,代表團未參加表決。反對




















1. (a) Complaint of armed invasion of Taiwan (Formosa) (continued)                           1

    (b) Complaint of agression upon the Republic of Korea (continued)                          1




1.  a) Plainte pour invasion armee de Taiwan (Formose) (suite)                                     1

    b) Plainte pour agression contre la Republique de Coree (suite)                             1




Relevant documents not reproduced in full in the texts of the meetings of the

Security Council are published in monthly supplements to the Official Records.


All United Nations documents are designated by symbols, i.e., capital letters

combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United

Nations document.


Les documents pertinents qui ne sont pas reproduits in extenso dans le texte

des seances du Conseil de securite sont publies dans des supplements mensuels aux

Proces-verbaux officiels.


Les documents des Nations Unies portent tous une cote, qui se compose de

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Held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 30 November 1950, at 3 p.m.


Tenue a Lake Suceess, New-York, le jeudi 30 novembre 1950, a 15 heures


President: Mr. A. BEBLER (Yugoslavia).

Present: The representatives of the following countries: China, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, France, India,

Norway, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

United States of America, Yugoslavia.


The agenda was that of the 529th meeting.

1. (a) Cornplaint of armed invasion of Taiwan (Formosa) (continued)

    (b) Complaint of aggression upon the Republic of Korea (continued)


At the invitation of the President, Mr. Wu Hsiuchuan, representative of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, and Mr. Li1nb, representative of the Republic of

Korea, took places at the Council table.


Sir Gladwyn JEBB (United Kingdom): 1 am, of course, going to support the proposal of my United

States and French colleagues that the j01l1t draft resolution before us - that is to say, document S/1894, tabled on 10 November by the representatives of Cuba, Ecuador, France, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States - should now be put to the vote, but before the vote takes place, 1 should like to set out very briefly the views of my delegation on the whole situation which has now arisen.


The day before yesterday [527th meeting] we had a most interesting, if profoundly depressing, revelation of the state of mind of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China. It was interesting because of the indication it gave us of the mentality of persons who - 1 hope 1 may say this without offence - have been cut off from the great world for all too long, and whose bitter struggle to obtain what they no doubt sincerely regard as the legitimate aims of China, has produced a corresponding bitterness in their outlook on life; depressing, since it constituted fairly clear evidence that this government has completely swallowed the propaganda line of Moscow, which is, after all,

designed to serve the needs of the Soviet Union and not necessarily those of communist States on the periphery.


One of the most revealing passages of the whole speech of Mr. Wu, to my mind at least, was his claim

that the Japanese imperialists had been defeated chiefly owing to the efforts of the Chinese people and of the Soviet Union. No one will underestimate the resistance



of the people of China to Japanese aggression, over a period of years, but the fact remains that the decisive contribution to the defeat of Japan was made by the United States and the British Commonwealth.


The part of the Soviet Union in the struggle was limited to crossing the border in the last few days when the Japanese were on the point of surrender, with the principal abject of pillaging Manchuria and regaining, at the expense of China, those imperialist rights and privileges of imperialist Russia, to which the Soviet Union has always proclaimed itself to be the heir.


It is only too probable, l fear, that the representatives of the Peking Government do not know these plain facts, because they have never heard of them and have lived in the fairy tale atmosphere of communist propaganda, which incidentally surrounded my Soviet colleague when he spoke on this topic yesterday [528th meeting] .


Perhaps one of the advantages of having General Wu and his colleagues with us at this table is that they have had, for a short period at any rate, to emerge from that dark propaganda world - where truth is what the "divine Leader" may say from time to time - to see for themselves what happens when representatives of many nations come together, and in a place where thought at least is free.


Since, therefore, the delegation of the Central People's Government is now in a position at least to

hear nations other than those whose system is based on an outmoded philosophy which can make a strong appeal only to the newly-educated and the immature, l may perhaps inform them that the old era of imperialism, in which imperial Russia played so prominent a part, is now over. The expansion of Europe which occurred during the eighteenth and, more especially, during the nineteenth centuries was, of course, based on ideas and techniques which had their origins in the Renaissance; these put European nations of course in a specially advantageous position in comparison with the rest of the world.


However, these ideas and techniques have now taken root elsewhere than in Europe and North America. The West no longer holds a monopoly of technical knowledge and skill, and it is for this reason that many States, particularly in Asia, have recently been forging ahead and forming themselves into nation States, based on modern and progressive principles. This conquest of western techniques by Asia, and their adaptation to Asian purposes, is one of the major and most encouraging phenomena of our times, and has resulted since the last war in the establishment of at least five large new and independent Asian nations. Hence the old relationship between Europe and Asia, or rather the relationship between Europe and Asia which prevailed for about 150 years until quite recently, has given or is giving place to a new relationship. This is a process which is gradually taking place all over the world.


But the Stalin-worshippers will have none of this. To them no nation can be independent unless it is controlled by a communist government, which in its turn is controlled by the Moscow Politburo. If anyone should think that this is a contradiction in terms, that only means that he has not read the Soviet classics. Communism, in fact, likes to masquerade in Asia as a liberating force, but this a mere disguise adopted simply because national liberation is the aim of the vast majority of the people of those countries whereas 'communism certainly is not.


I shall not elaborate on this thought except to say that it is shared by the popular leaders of the new Asian States to which l have referred. They do not deny nobody would deny - that communism as a system can produce certain results, but they would assert, and most vigorously assert, that if the price to be paid for such material progress is slavish obedience in a11 respects to dictates issued by the Kremlin in the interests of Soviet imperialism, then that price is too high for them or any other self-respecting person to pay.

In any case the suggestion that these newly emerging or newly emerged States must in some way be exploited by European States or by the United States of America must, in the opinion of Communists, be true, because such exploitation, as we know, is inevitable according to the predictions of the official communist theoreticians and soothsayers. The quotation from the works of Lenin which was given us by the representative of the Soviet Union yesterday [528th meeting] is a classic example of the way in which the communists have always made the facts fit their theories. The representative of the Soviet Union said it was a classic quotation and so indeed it is. Since this is by definition the "age of imperialism", according to Lenin, it must be the period "in which the division of the world among the

international trusts has begun; in which the partition of all the territories of the globe among the great

capitalist Powers has been completed". But what happens then, of course - according to strict communist theory - is that the imperialist Powers fa11 out among themselves owing to their respective markets becoming saturated, and an "inevitable" war between the imperialist Powers then follows.


The possibility that instead of the great Powers extending and reinforcing their so-called colonial areas

the latter, that is to say, the colonial areas, might gradua11y become self-governing and independent;  the possibility that the surplus products of the greatest industrialist nation today, the United States, would actually be distributed free in large quantities in order to encourage world trade; the possibility that the so called imperialist Powers would be devising schemes for improving the technical knowledge and the knowhow of what they were supposed to regard as subject peoples' and finally the possibility that the imperialist Powers, far from fighting one another would actually band themselves  together for the protection of the whole of the free world is of course inconceivable to com-



munists because it was not predicted by Lenin and consequently cannot be true. Yet it is true. More

particularly, it is of course inconceivable to the communists, that the Western Powers should actually

encourage the national aspirations of the peoples of Asia.


And yet this is so, and it would have been the case in Korea if, owing to their pillaging operations, Soviet troops had not been left in command of quite half or more than half the area of that unfortunate country at the end of the war. And that is why on 25 June last the decision was taken to blot out the free half of Korea and to bring the whole of it into the grey and dismal ranks of Soviet satellites. The decision was taken by the North Korean authorities, presumably with the approval of the Communist Headquarters in Moscow, and though the Central People's Government may also have approved, l expect they were too intelligent not to know what were likely to be the consequences, and l cannot imagine that they at any rate believed the story which has been put about by all the mesmerists of the Cominform, that the war started because of an attempt by the United States to invade the territory of

North Korea in the interests of the famous trusts and monopolies.


The simple point was that the non-communist governments on the whole regarded and rightly regarded

this flagrant aggression by the North Koreans as a positive threat to their independence. The noncommunist governments of the whole world regarded this attack, this aggression, as a threat to their own independence. They were, and they still are, determined to do away with this threat by demonstrating that the government, the people and the nation which attempts to carry it out in practice suffers very great pains and penalties.


This was their intention, l repeat, and l think this still is their intention. And the more communist

imperialism seeks to threaten the free world or any part of it, the greater the reaction of the free world will be and the greater will be its efforts to organize its unparalleled resources in the defence of genuine, and not bogus, democracy.

As l have said, there is no doubt in the minds of the free world on which side the guilt and responsibility for the war in Korea lies. Each of the United Nations was called upon to consider what contribution it could make to meet this armed aggression. It might have been expected that the major portion of this aid should come from countries which were not already engaged in military operations against communism elsewhere in the Far East and from those counties whose lands were well removed from the direct threat of aggression elsewhere. It was therefore understandable that the main responsibility for meeting this extension of armed conflict should be borne by the United States of

America, which in any case was the only free country which had forces available near the scene of the aggression. We all know how promptly and nobly the government of the people of the United States responded to this call.


But from the first the United Kingdom responded to the appeal also. We could not, of course, take our

troops from the battle lines elsewhere in Asia to send them to Korea. Nevertheless, so promptly did we act that at one tune l believe l am right in saying that the United Kingdom had more naval vessels in the Korean theatre of war than even the United States.


Our troops also soon arrived, organized with those of our sister nations in the Commonwealth. There are now two Commonwealth brigades fighting in Korea. Our men were the first to arrive to fight alongside those of the United States and the South Korea themselves; and they are there in greater numbers than those of any country except the United States.


Our aims in Korea and those of the United States are identical: to give effect to the purposes of the United Nations, nothing more and nothing less. Nothing would give us greater pleasure than to withdraw our soldiers and to see a really independent Korean government functioning in Korea, and far from seeking profitable concessions for "trusts and monopolies" in Korea, we are only too conscious that the British people will have to make heavy sacrifices for the reconstruction and

rehabilitation of Korean economy.


But apart from this and not content with this military effort to protect Malaya and Korea, we have worked out, with all the other nations of the Commonwealth, a constructive plan for economic and technical assistance to those peoples of South-East Asia who want it. The Colombo Plan, announced yesterday, is the constructive counterpart of the fighting forced upon us by communist imperialism. It is free of all principles of imperialism and worked out to a considerable extent by the experts of the three Asian members of our Commonwealth, India, Pakistan and Ceylon. It makes clear the better world which we are struggling for. And when the time comes to rehabilitate the war-ravaged land of

Korea, Britain will also play a peaceful and constructive part.


Now it is clear from this record that our aim of encouraging independent national States in Asia, free

of foreign domination and accepting such technical and economic devices as they themselves wish, cannot be properly realized so long as the fighting continues. Our policy must therefore be directed to bringing the military operations to a close. Not only our alms m the Far East but also our hatred of war and the realization that, even as l speak, my own countrymen are being killed in Korea and Malaya, imposes this on us. If the representatives of the Central People's Government are capable of listening to reason, l would beg them to listen to this plain statement of fact.


After this general statement of the position of my delegation, it will be clear why we still urge the Security Council to adopt, by a large majority, the draft resolution on Korea which is before It. The fact, grave though it is, that the troops of the Peking Government


have now taken part in large numbers in the fighting in Korea does not in our view affect at all the desirability of passing this draft resolution. The draft resolution makes it absolutely clear that the interests of China will in no way be affected by the achievement of the objectives of the United Nations, and it also makes it clear that if Peking goes on pouring troops into Korea those interests may very well suffer and suffer acutely. Before the Peking Government makes any irrevocable decision, 1 would ask them to think many times. Passion is a bad counsellor; advice from interested sources may be a worse counsellor still.


Korea is not of course the only subject on our present agenda; there is also the complaint of the Central

People's Government that aggression has taken place against Taiwan. Here we can only say that they have completely failed to substantiate any accusation that Taiwan is being converted into a United States base, or that the United States is in fact in control of the island.


As the representative of the United States has already pointed out, there are, in fact, only forty-four United States service representatives in Taiwan. It is therefore perfectly clear that the allegation of aggression, which is the item on our agenda, has not been proved and must therefore fall. Taiwan, as we know, is one of the territories formerly belonging to Japan, and its disposal, like those of other territories formerly belonging to Japan, still remains a matter of international concern. Any claims - still more any attempt - to settle this question by armed force and in the absence of some generally recognized legal decision, must have international repercussions and is, therefore, unacceptable. The

matter must be settled peacefully and it is clear that there can be little prospect of doing this so long as one of the parties concerned, the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, is engaged in large-scale military operations against United Nations forces and in defiance of the expressed will of the United Nations.


Therefore 1 revert to my original proposal that the pending draft resolution on item 2 (a) of our present

agenda should now be put to the vote. If it is vetoed, we shall then have to consider what to do next, and it is clear that that will need some very serious reflection. But 1 still have hopes that the Chinese People's Government, in view of what 1 and others have said; will in effect pay attention to what is said in the draft resolution and indicate that, in principle, they are prepared to agree that the whole problem of Korea should at least be solved in accordance with the principles of the international organization which, as 1 believe, they are so keen to enter.


The PRESIDENT (translated from French): I should like to make the following statement as representative of YUGOSLAVIA.


The two questions which we are discussing together are generally considered ta be closely connected and are so in substance. Their relative importance, however, is


not the same. ~he first and main question is that of Korea, the question of the war which broke out on 25 June 1950, which has 1asted over five months which has been becoming more and more bitter, and 'which was very serious from the start. Its possible international consequences make all humanity shiver.


Compared with that war, the question of Taiwan (Formosa) is secondary importance. That is obvious

To all who consider It from the point of view of international security and who see this particular international problem as a more or less serious threat to the general peace.


We decidedly share the latter point of view, and we have therefore come to the conclusion that a peaceful settlement of the question of Taiwan must be sought, and that such a settlement might be reached if we could at least reach a solution on the main problem, that of Korea.


Efforts to achieve such a solution might perhaps be in order even now. Consultations between the parties directly concerned on the question of Taiwan might perhaps have a favourable reaction on the solution of the main problem, that of Korea.


My delegation is prepared to follow up this suggestion in so far as it finds that the general atmosphere

makes such an initiative possible. Nevertheless, 1 repeat, the question of Korea remains the main question; it is the most urgent problem before the United Nations. The question of the maintenance of general peace now depends, to a great extent, upon its deve1opment. We have reached a new stage in the Korean war, the outstanding feature of which is the appearance of considerable Chinese forces on the theatre of military operations in Korea. This fact is unfortunate1y beyond doubt. The fact that large military forces have been sent to Korea has been admitted and confirmed in the statements of the Government of the People's Republic of China made at Peking and also here by General Wu. This is an entirely new and very serious factor in the Korean problem. Clearly, therefore, the Security Council must assess it at its true value and act accordingly.


1 should like to say how regrettable it is that the representatives of the Peking Government are trying to avoid any discussion of this question and any cooperation in the efforts which the Security Council is forced to make because of a situation which the Government of the People's Republic of China has itself created. We have seen many States, both Members and nonmembers of the United Nations, replying to justified or unjustified accusations before the various organs of the United Nations. Neverthe1ess none of them has ever refused to take part in the discussions. What is more, non-member States have on several occasions made every effort to obtain an invitation to be heard on the subject.


1 am mentioning this, not because 1 have any hope that the participation of the representative of the

People's Republic of China in our public discussions will have a salutary effect on the turn in the inter-


national situation resulting from the new phase-in the Korean war, but simply because this sulking, just like the speech made here recently by General Wu [527th meeting], seems to me to show a spirit quite opposite to that which should inspire governments which show any respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter.


It is surely rather surprising that throughout the long speech made by General Wu, the principles of the

Charter and the mission of the United Nations should have remained in the background while the question of world peace was not even mentioned.


The General spoke at length about the problem of Taiwan and more briefly about the Korean war, but

the connexion between these two questions and the peace of the world seems to have escaped him completely. That, however, is the main question. That is the heart and core of the problem.


We have witnessed many local wars since the United Nations was founded at San Francisco, and the United Nations has given its attention to those wars. None of them, however, has had international repercussions comparable with those caused by the Korean war. Has General Wu asked himself why? Has he asked himself why there is this great difference? Bas he asked himself what conclusions should be drawn from this difference as to the responsibilities of the governments which are playing a leading role in the Korean tragedy?

Obviously, the General's argument on the matter of responsibility is the one which the representative of

the Soviet Union has expounded to us many times. It is that the only party responsible is the United States Government. In support of that contention, all sorts of circumstances are cited, but the essential point which makes it possible to fix the responsibility is avoided. This essential point is the conduct of governments during the first days following the outbreak of hostilities.


Let us recall what their conduct was. From the beginning of hostilities, the two parties have accused

each other of having opened fire. The Government of South Korea, however, was the only one to appeal to the United Nations. That same day, the Security Council issued its order to cease fire and withdraw to the 38th Parallel. What happened then ? Who accepted and obeyed that order? Did the army whose forces were at that time - twelve or fifteen hours after the outbreak of hostilities - alone in the territory of their enemy, in other words the North Korean Army – did that army accept the cease-fire order and withdraw behind the 38th Parallel? No, it did not. In a telegram to the Secretary-General- two days later - the Government of North Korea attacked the decision of 25 June as illegal.


And what was the attitude of the Government of the Soviet Union and of the Government of the People's Republic of China towards this order to cease fire and withdraw to the 38th Parallel? Did they give it any support, at least moral support? No. They maligned it in their Press and ignored it officially for two months, all the while chanting the praises of the army of North Korea for the victories it was winning in South Korean territory.


They went even further. On 27 June, at the Security Council’s second meeting [474th meeting], l myself submitted a new draft resolution repeating the request to the parties to cease fire and withdraw to the 38th Parallel and once again proposing that representatives of the Government of North Korea should be invited to Lake Success, in a last-minute attempt to achieve a peaceful settlement of the conflict. As a result of that proposal, my government and I myself were subjected to attacks and slanderous reports in the Press of the Eastern European countries.


Those are the facts which show who are the parties responsible for the Korean war. This is a grave

responsibility because Korea, for reasons which we need not go into, is not the same as Palestine, or Indonesia, or Kashmir. Korea is a highly sensitive nerve centre, and those who have intervened there should have borne that in mind and foreseen the results of their actions, attitudes, and advice. For our part, we must all bear that element in mind.


In a statement on 8 September 1950, the Yugoslav Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kardelj, said:

"When considering the situation in Korea, the people of Yugoslavia cannot but do so in the light

of the fact that for three years the Government of the Cominform, led by the Government of the Soviet

Union, have been carrying on a violently aggressive campaign against socialist Yugoslavia, precisely

because the working people of Yugoslavia maintains its right to take its own decisions on its own soil.

This aggressive policy, against which socialist Yugoslavia has reacted very firmly, throws light on

the policy pursued by its organizers in other parts of the world. It leaves no doubt that those who are

still pursuing an aggressive and anti-socialist policy towards Yugoslavia - a policy aimed at gaining

supremacy for themselves - cannot be pursuing a different policy, a democratic and socialist policy, a

policy of peace and of the equality and brotherhood of all peoples, in other parts of the world. For a long time, the policy of the leaders of the Cominform has not coincided with the interests of the progress of mankind, and it is therefore harmful to all progressive and liberating movements which become its instruments.


"All their cries of loyalty to the cause of peace, and their accusations that others are aggressors will not

suffice to cloak their share of responsibility for the Korean war and for the way in which they are

endangering the peace of the world as a whole."Today, in face of the increasingly active interference

of the People's Republic o~ China in the Korean war on the side of the North Korean Government, l must stress that the Government of the People's Republic of China has participated and continues to participate actively in the USSR's aggressive campaign against my country. I must emphasize that this government has in no way dissociated Itself from that policy, nor from



the USSR's anti-democratic policy in other parts of the world, and particularly in Korea.


To its responsibility for the moral and diplomatic support it gave the army of North Korea when it

invaded South Korea, the Government of the People's Republic of China has added its responsibility for large scale assistance in the form of men and materiel furnished to the North Korean aggressor. The Government of the Federative People's Republic of Yugoslavia can only condemn and censure that act.


The guiding principle of the Yugoslav Government's policy in international affairs has always been to wage a continuing struggle against the danger of a new war, against ail aggression, from wherever it may come. For that struggle to be successful, it must be based on the principle that ail aggressive acts are strictly forbidden and that anyone who resorts to them must be opposed.


This attitude of the Yugoslav Government does not derive solely from the fact that the Yugoslav people are deeply devoted to the cause of peace. 1t is also due to my government's profound conviction that, at the present time, no fundamental distinction can be made between one act of aggression and another on ideological, political, social or economic grounds. The very first thing to be done is to relieve mankind from ail fear of war and aggression in order to enable it to go freely forward on the great road to progress. That is why today ail aggression should be considered not only a crime against peace and humanity, but also a crime against human progress. It is from this viewpoint that my delegation is today approaching the study of the six-Power draft resolution.


It cannot be denied that the events taking place along the Sino-Korean frontier seriously threaten the peace and may portend a spread of the Korean conflict.


The Yugoslav delegation has already had occasion to make its views known on the Korean conflict as a whole. We think that the responsibility for the events which have steeped Korea in blood, can in the first instance be ascribed only to the fatal policy of the North Korean Government as well as to those who inspired that policy. We consider that any effort from abroad - from whatever side it may be - to save that policy from defeat can only increase the danger of spreading the Korean conflict and the risk of a new world war.


The Yugoslav Government's attitude is therefore perfectly clear. We do not entertain any sympathy for

the South Korean regime and we deeply deplore the course events have taken in Korea. But we are far

from wishing to justify the policy of the North Korean Government or from offering it the slightest support, for it is that government's policy which has led to the present state of affairs.


1t is for the Korean people themselves, and for them alone, to determine which leading political circles in Korea bear the responsibility for their present situation.



That is the only course to pursue in Korea. It is the only course which does not entail the danger of

spreading the conflict.


For these reasons, the Yugoslav delegation will support any measure aimed at localizing the Korean

conflict, any step intended to prevent the spread of the war in the Far East, for such a war would be not only a catastrophe for the peoples of Asia, but might well engender a new world war.


It is in this spirit that the Yugoslav delegation, although it cannot support every part of the six-Power

draft resolution, will nevertheless support the general idea of the draft resolution since its purpose is to prevent the Korean conflict from spreading.


In keeping with my government's general attitude on the Korean question, 1 shall therefore abstain from voting on the preamble of the draft resolution before us. 1 shall vote for the operative part of the draft resolution, and also for the draft resolution as a whole.


Sir Benegal N. RAU (India): 1 have listened with grave attention to the speeches made in this Council

during the last few days, particularly those of the representative of the United States [528th meeting] and the representative of the Peking Government [527th meeting]. There was hardly any meeting ground between them save for one notable exception, but that exception is so important that 1 should like to dwell on it for a moment.


At one point in his speech two days ago the representative of the United States referred to the long

and close friendship between the people of China and the people of the United States. The representative of the Peking Government, while complaining of what he called the cunning aggression of American imperialists, conceded that in the entire history of China's foreign relations the people of the United States and China have always maintained friendly relations. If 1 may say so, the statements which 1 have just quoted are borne out by my own personal impressions, for even during the last few months of international tension 1 have not met a single individual in this country at any level, whether a government official or a private citizen, who was not anxious that there should be no war, directly or indirectly, between the United States and China. I do not ask the representative of the Peking Government to take this statement of mine on trust. Indeed, 1 would invite him to verify it by first-hand evidence. Let him meet as many people as he can at every possible level and judge for himself, and he will find, as 1 have found, that they are warm-hearted, kindly, the very reverse of imperialistic and only anxious to live in peace - their own way of life.


They are, of course, apprehensive of aggression and resolved to resist it if it should come. But that is true of the people of every other country; it is true of the people of China too. Who does not know that they have been passing through terrible ordeals during the last thirty or forty years, their country has been ravaged by war of one kind or another most of that time. As the



result of these experiences, they are naturally full of suspicions and fears and must be longing for a spell of peace.


l am sure this feeling is not confined to the people of the two countries l have mentioned, but is shared by the people of the whole world. If there is such a universal desire for peace, surely we should not find it impossible to discover a way to peace even at this late stage. l may have to say more on this aspect of the matter before long.


Turning now to the specific draft resolution before the Security Council, l wish to inform the Council

that l have not yet received final instructions from my government. It is a very important draft resolution, fraught with grave possibilities, and in view of the events that have taken place since its introduction on 10 November, my government is doubtless anxious to give it most careful consideration. If the matter is pressed to a vote today, l shall not participate in the voting but shall reserve the right to make a statement subsequently.


Mr. MALIK (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (translated from Russian): l have listened closely to

the statement made by the United Kingdom representative, my neighbour on the left, and have come to the conclusion that neither he nor his United States colleague have refuted a single fact or a single argument of the USSR delegation's statement on United States aggression against Taiwan.


ML Austin stated yesterday that he did not have time to get himself acquainted with the facts which

the representative of the People's Republic of China had given and, seemingly, he has not had time to read the USSR delegation's statements either. It seems to have become a general rule, a tradition, with the representatives of the United States and the United Kingdom, that when the facts are against them, so much the worse for the facts. They put the facts and documents to one side, and begin their usual slanderous propaganda against the USSR and its policy. Thus they find it easier to argue and discuss questions. However, no definite decision can ever be reached that way.


Mr. Austin and the ruling circles of the United States are ready to accuse anyone of aggression - even

God himself - but when concrete documents are placed before the Security Council, documents which deal with United States aggression, with aggression by the ruling circles of the United States, with seizure of foreign territory, with the dispatch of a huge fleet carrying vast amounts of military supplies; when facts are adduced showing the most flagrant violation ~f generally accepted rules of international law, and attention is drawn to the fact that such acts constitute aggression under the

generally accepted international definition of that term, then Mr. Austin waves the facts aside, and so does Sir Gladwyn Jebb. They begin their slanderous propaganda against the USSR, and think that they

have thereby settled the matter and proved their point.



That is the true picture of the present situation. In such circumstances, how can the Security Council adopt a fair solution? In such circumstances, how can the Security Council be expected to give objective consideration to the complaint of the Government of the People's Republic of China? Neither Mr. Austin nor Sir Gladwyn Jebb has mentioned a word about the crying facts which the representative of the People's Republic of China has cited in his statement or the facts which the USSR representative has cited in his. Those facts show to the whole world that the ruling circles of the United States are guilty of direct and flagrant aggression against China.


That is the position regarding the discussion of the main question on today's agenda.


Sir Gladwyn Jebb launched into theoretical and philosophical discourses. We have already talked about this in the Security Council and l do not want to reopen that subject. It is obvious, however, that only one conclusion can be drawn from all Sir Gladwyn Jebb's arguments: he is the apologist and active propagandist for imperialism, imperialistic conquests and of an imperialist attitude towards the peoples of Asia. This is quite clear to me, and no allusions to Moscow or the Soviet Union can hide this fundamental characteristic of Sir Gladwyn Jebb.


Sir Gladwyn Jebb is trying ta assert that the imperialism of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

is a thing of the pasto l t is quite true that the crude form in which the United Kingdom used to pursue its imperialist policy no longer exists. However, there is a new edition of imperialism, in the form now practiced by General MacArthur. General MacArthur burns the towns and villages of Korea, murders its inhabitants, rapes women, murders the children and the aged, transforms the country into a desert and then declares that he is acting on behalf of, and ul1der the flag of, the United Nations.


The nature of an imperialist plunderer remains the same, only the form is somewhat different. Moreover, we have a cover provided by the name and flag of the United Nations.


Sir Gladwyn J ebb admitted in the Council that his country had taken an active part in the aggression in

Korea. What could be expected of the representative of a country which is an active participant in the

American aggression in Korea? There is no difference between the views of the United States and the United Kingdom representatives as regards their approach to the question under consideration, because .their g:overnments are jointly carrying out an aggression against the people of Korea. That is an indisputable fact.


I have repeatedly answered Sir Gladwyn Jebb's allegations that the Soviet Union attempts to impose

its system and its way of life on others, and I do not think there is any need for me to answer once again, because that is nothing but the most slanderous and lying propaganda. Neither the Soviet Union, nor its leaders, nor its government, nor its people have ever imposed their system on anyone. h or do they wish to do so. We do not like capitalism- you do not like socialism. But we are not imposing socialism on you,


while you are trying to impose capitalism on us under the guise of the "American way of life" which you advertiseto the whole world through the "Voice of America". Yet, if other nations do not wish to adopt the American way of life why should it be imposed upon them by force? Sir Gladwyn Jebb should ponder this question, and the whole of his philosophical system would then fall to pieces. l am not even mentioning the fact tint Sir Gladwyn Jebb admitted here that British troops in Malaya were doing exactly the same thing as American and British troops were doing in Korea.


It is perfectly clear, therefore, that the ruling circles of the two Great Powers, the so-called "Western

Powers" have dispatched their troops to Asian countries so as to prevent, by fire and sword, the

peoples of two countries of Asia - and not only two from gaining their freedom and independence, of

becoming independent sovereign States and enjoying equality in their relations with the United States and the United Kingdom. That would not suit the ruling circles of the United States and United Kingdom, which base their actions on the principles of Diktat, force and colonial oppression. That is the gist of the problem.


Sir Gladwyn Jebb said that he did not recommend receiving advice from interested parties. Is the United Kingdom representative not an interested party in this question? Is he not clearly and directly involved in it? Thus Sir Gladwyn Jebb contradicts himself. According to his own argument all his wishes, opinions and recommendations are the advice of an interested party.


How then could the Council take into consideration the opinion of the United Kingdom representative the opinion of an "interested party"? Your troops, your generals, your officers and soldiers are waging a war in Korea together with the United States Army against the Korean people. They are interventionists and aggressors. Consequently, you are an "interested party", so that your discourses on that subject are the "advice of an interested party". According to your own argument the Security Council is entitled to ignore your advice.


Sir Gladwyn Jebb repeated here a figure which was first mentioned in the Council by Mr. Austin when

he said that there were only forty-four American officers and soldiers in Taiwan. Both he and Mr. Austin, however, refrained from mentioning the Seventh Fleet, which captured Taiwan, and all the immense armed might at its disposal.

l should like Sir Gladwyn Jebb to hear what a compatriot of his, whom he knows, writes. It is

Randolph Churchill, the son of Winston Churchill. This is his own information, his own article, which was published in the Daily Telegraph on 3 November, at the beginning of this month. The information is therefore recent and fresh. He was in Taiwan, and in Taipei, he drove around the whole island, and he saw what the Americans are doing in Taiwan, why they are there and what their intentions are.



He writes that he regards President Truman's order to the United States Seventh Fleet as an order to

attack any forces invading from the continent. Therefore, President Truman's order is a hostile act against the People's Republic of China, as the order is essentially that the United States Seventh Fleet should make an all-out attack upon any forces which might attempt to approach Formosa from the continent.


According to the statement made by Mr. Austin in the Security Council, there are forty-four United States officers in Taiwan, the usual number for a military mission sent with diplomatic credentials to any capital in the world. All States in diplomatic relations with the USSR have their military missions in Moscow for example. In Washington there are military missions of States which have diplomatic relations with the United States, and the same applies to other countries. They are regular military missions. And Mr. Austin says that the United States military mission in Taiwan is also a regular military mission.


But what is that mission doing there? Let us hear what Randolph Churchill has to say on that subject:

Churchill writes that American military and naval representatives under the command of Admiral Jarrett have made a thorough study of Formosan defence lines and believe that, in case of need, the nationalist (that is Kuomintang) forces of some 600,000 men will fight much better than they fought on the continent.


So that is what the American military mission is doing in Taiwan. Where else has there been a case of

a foreign military mission making a thorough study and survey of defence lines and fortifications in a country to which it is accredited in the usual diplomatic way? Yet the American military mission in Taiwan is doing that directly and without any intermediary. It is therefore not an ordinary mission. It is, in fact, a mission which not only gives military advice, but military direction. That means that it is not an ordinary foreign mission but the American Staff, commanding the Kuomintang bands in Taiwan.


Further, Mr. Randolph Churchill writes that "Britain no longer recognizes the Nationalist Government",

yet its armed forces are represented there by a Lieutenant-Commander Dennis, a liaison officer. Thus,

the United Kingdom is acting as the two-faced Janus of old. On the one hand, it recognizes the Central

People's Government of the People's Republic of China, and on the other, it sends its military representative to Taiwan, and he is there together with the United States military mission.

In the same article, Randolph Churchill writes the following about the intentions of the United States in regard to Taiwan: "No one here (that is, in Taiwan) believes that the United States intends in any foreseeable future to abandon Formosa". That is a very frank and concrete statement. The United States has seized a foreign island by force, and has no intention of parting with it in the foreseeable



future. Randolph Churchill thus replies ta Mr. Austin's statement that the United States has no designs on Taiwan [528th meeting].  Churchill refutes Austin.


Randolph Churchill writes further: "The A1l1ericans are now supplying the Nationalists with ammunition as well as valuable economic aid. Formosa is plainly no longer regarded as a bad strategic risk. On the contrary, the opinion is increasingly hardening that it would 1,(' violently against the American and British interests if this island, with its valuable naval and air bases, were to fall into communist hands." l emphasize - not only ta American, but a1so to British interests. And l do this to show that the British representative in the Security Council cannot be impartial and objective in the discussion of this matter, and the extent to which his assertion that there is no aggression in Taiwan can be taken seriously.


Referring to the supposed disagreements between MacArthur's intentions and the intentions of the United States State Department with regard to Taiwan, Randolph Churchill calls things by their proper names and affirms that ail the wide1y circulatec1 propaganda to the effect that there is some kind of disagreement on this matter between MacArthur and the United States State  Department is not in accordance with the facts.


Randolph Churchill writes that the "recent widely advertisec1 differences in Pacific policy between General MacArthur and the State Department were more apparent than real". Some weeks before General MacArthur sent his famous message to the Veterans of Foreign Wars - the message that was withdrawn from the Press – Mr. Acheson, the Secretary of State, distributed a secret document defining the strategical requirements of the United States in South-East Asia.


Those who have read bath these documents do not consider that there is much difference them in the definition of the existing situation or policy. It is fairly clear that President Truman's grudge against General MacArthur was due to causes distinct from any substantial difference of views on future policy. Lt was evoked by General MacArthur's extravagant expression of his views and by the need to maintain the civil authority over the military in foreign policy.


Thus it follows from these 5tatenH'nts by Randolph Churchill that there is no difference and no divergence between General MacArthur's policy, as expressed with complete cynicism and frankness in his famous message' to the Veterans, and the policy of  the State Department; and that there is, furthermore, no difference between it and the policy of the President of the United States on Far Eastern questions, including the question of Taiwan.


Randolph Churchill calls things by their proper names. He adduces facts, and before  those facts the

fables about the supposed differences of view between General MacArthur and the State Department, so widely circulated by American propaganda, fall to pieces.



That is the situation with regard to United States intentions towards Taiwan. That is the situation with

regard to United States aggression against China.


It is characteristic that neither the United States representative nor the United Kingdom representative said a single word about the draft resolutions on Taiwan submitted in the Security Council. They are interested only in Korea. In this they are actively supported by the representative of Yugoslavia, who has defi11ltely taken upon himself the task of using all possible means to assist the United States representative in misleading world public opinion and proving that there has been no aggression by the United States in the Far East.


For clearly demagogic purposes, the Yugoslav representative proclaims a position which is allegedly

directed against any aggression. At the same time he uses all his efforts to defend and coyer the aggression of the United States both in Taiwan against the People's Republic of China and in Korea and the Korean people. It is quite clear from these statements of his why both the Yugoslav representative and the United States representative so stubbornly maintained here in the Security Council the proposal to combine for the purpose of discussion by the Security Council two questions which have not hitherto been combined the question of the armed invasion of Taiwan and the question of the so-called "Complaint of aggression against the Republic of Korea".


The representative of Yugoslavia needed to do this to enable him to conceal his position with regard to the problem of Taiwan. You see, he called that problem a secondary problem and maintained that the main problem was Korea. But, if Taiwan is a secondary problem, the American interventionist aggressors who have seized that island can stay there and make themselves at home. That is the conclusion the Yugoslav representative draws. Consequently, he had to combine the two questions to enable him to divert the attention of the Security Council and world public opinion towards Korea, to enable him to close people's eyes as to the situation in Taiwan and thereby assist the ruling circles

of the United States in justifying and concealing their aggression against China.


It is not difficult to fathom these rather simple combinations. But these combinations which are

resorted to by the United States representative and his Yugoslav partner and assistant show that the ruling circles of Yugoslavia and their representative in the Security Council have begun fully to condone the aggression of the ruling circles of the United States, and are applying the very same slanderous methods against the Soviet Union. In this matter there is no difference between Mr. Bebler and Mr. Austin. Even a microscope would not reveal any difference.


An attempt has been made to blame the North Korean authorities, but no reference has been made to the fact that the North Korean authorities have not been admitted to the Security Council, that they have been condemned and declared aggressors in absentia. That is a procedure which the United States representative and the ruling circles of the United States find convenient and helpful: to convict anyone and everyone


of aggression in absentia, and to do so not only without regard for the facts, not only without any attempt to examine or analyse those facts, but after discarding them and refusing to hear the party they are accusing. It is easier to make accusations in that way. And this practice has already become firmly established as part of the Security Council's method of work by the Anglo American bloc and their assistant, the representative of Yugoslavia. That is the situation with regard to the question of responsibility.


In the light of these facts, the delegation of the Soviet Union notes that the representatives of the

United States and the United Kingdom and their Yugoslav colleague are refusing to consider the question of United States aggression against China. They are evading the discussion of that question, c10sing their eyes to realities and do not wish to discuss the matter.


The delegation of the Soviet Union considers that the first question on the agenda of this meeting of

the Security Council is the question of armed aggression by the United States against Taiwan. It is the Council's duty to consider that question carefully and objectively, to examine the facts and to make a fair decision.


A fair decision on this matter by the Security Council is expected not only by the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, which addressed the complaint to the Security Council, but also by the 475 million Chinese people. There has been talk here of friendship for the Chinese people. Show that friendship in deeds – concretely!


The Chinese people, in the person of its legal government, has addressed to the Security Council a

complaint of aggression by the United States. Examine this complaint objective1y, carefully and in a friendly spirit, and make a fair decision! Protect the Chinese people from aggression by the ruling circ1es of the United States and prove your friendship for the Chinese people by deeds!


No one believes what an aggressor says about "friendship" for the victim of aggression. No one

believes in affirmations of friendship by anyone who sends his armed forces into somebody else's territory, seizes that territory and plays the master. No one be1ieves him in such circumstances.


What is needed are facts and deeds. And the best fact, a fact evincing pacific and friendly intentions

towards the Chinese people, would be a decision by the Security Council demanding that the ruling circ1es of the United States immediately cease their aggression against China and withdraw their forces from Chinese territory. That would be the fairest decision which the Security Council could make. That decision is expected of it by the Chinese people and the Chinese Government.


The PRESIDENT (translated tram French): As there are no other speakers on the list, we might proceed to the vote. However, at the beginning of the meeting the representative of the People's Republic of China asked me if he could speak before the Council voted on the draft resolutions before it. I call upon him now.



Mr. Wu HSIU-CHUAN (Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China) (translated from Chinese): In my first speech [527th meeting], I stated that I would only participate in the discussion in the Security Council of the complaint of American aggression against Taiwan and that l would not participate .in the discussion of the so-callec1 "Complaint of aggression against the Republic of Korea". Very strangely, however, the representative of the United States, Mr. Austin, in both his speeches did not answer the charge of armed aggression against Taiwan leveled against the United States by the People's Republic of China. This proves that the case ac1vanced by the Central People's Government is irrefutable.


However, Mr. Austin attemptec1 to turn the attention of the representatives here to the question of the so called complaint of aggression against the Republic of China, on the basis of the illegal MacArthur report. He brought forth a number of slanderous questions in a threatening tone. l must tell Mr. Austin that such threats will not frighten anybody.


The reason why l do not participate in the discussion of the so-called complaint of aggression against the Republic of Korea is very clear. The truth of the question of Korea is that the Government of the United States has used armed forces to intervene in the domestic affairs of Korea, and has seriously breached the security of the People's Republic of China. The usurpation of the name of the United Nations by the United States Government is entirely illegal.


The resolution on the question of Korea adopted by the Security Council on 27 June [474th meeting] is

entirely illegal since it was adopted without the participation of the representative of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China and without the participation of the Soviet Union, two permanent members of the Security Council. Under such circumstances, l will not participate in the discussion of the so-called complaint of aggression against the Republic of China, a complaint which is absolutely absurd.  And there is no necessity whatsoever to answer the questions brought forth by Mr. Austin on the basis of the MacArthur report.


Since the Government of the United States started its aggressive war in Korea, according to preliminary estimates, from 27 August to 25 November, the United States armed forces of aggression in Korea violated the territorial air space of my country two hundred times, and the number of airplanes thus employed total more than one thousand. These acts have damaged Chinese property and killed Chinese people. l wish to ask Mr. Austin: Is this not aggression?


Since 27 June the Seventh Fleet of the United States has been invading the territorial waters of China around Taiwan so as to prevent the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China from exercising sovereignty on Tai.wan. l want to ask Mr. Austin: 1s this not aggression?


Since the end of the Second World War, the Government of the United States has spent over six thousand million dollars to help the Chinese Kuomintang reaction-



ary remnant clique initiate this unprecedentedly cruel civil war, and this clique, using American arms, have killed several million Chinese. l wish to ask Mr. Austin: Is this not intervention in the domestic affairs of China?


The era when only imperialists were allowed to indulge in aggression, while the peoples were not

allowed to resist, has gone. The Chinese people love peace, but the people of China has complete confidence in its ability to beat back all the imperialists who dare invade China.


l once again call upon the Security Council, in order to maintain world peace and in order to maintain the prestige of the Charter of the United Nations, to accept the proposals advanced by the People's Republic of China so as to put an end to American aggression, to prevent war and to ensure peace and security for Asia and for the world.


The PRESIDENT (translated from French): Before proceeding to the vote, we must decide in what order we shall vote. Although we discussed the questions of Korea and Taiwan together, l propose that we should vote on the draft resolutions in the order in which these two questions appear on the agenda.


I therefore suggest that we should vote on the two draft resolutions on the question of Taiwan (Formosa) in the order in which they were submitted, that is to say, first, on the USSR draft resolution [5/1757] submitted on 2 September 1950, and then on the draft resolution of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China [5/1921] which has been sponsored by the USSR delegation and is dated 30 November 1950. After that, we could vote on the only draft resolution relating to Korea, dated 18 November and submitted by the delegations of Cuba, Ecuador, the United States, France, Norway and the United Kingdom [S/1894].


Mr. MALIK (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (translated from Russian): Are we to infer from the

President's remark that he has paid no heed to the wishes of the Indian representative, who has received

no instructions on how he should vote? So far it has been the practice of the Security Council to take such wishes into consideration when any member has been without instructions as to how he should vote. Does the President's remark mean that he is not taking the Indian representative's wishes into account?


The PRESIDENT (translated from French): The representative of India did not ask the Council to

postpone the vote until he had received instructions from his government. He simply pointed out that he could not take part in the vote. l t is not the first time that such a situation has arisen. Nevertheless, if Mr. Malik insists, l can ask the Indian representative to state whether he wants the Cot1ncil not to vote today so that he may receive instructions from his government.


Mr. MALIK (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (translated from Russian): l do not insist on anything.


l simply noted a fact and have drawn attention to it, but l do not insist on anything.


The PRESIDENT (translated from French): As there has been no objection to the order of voting l suggested, I take It that It is unanimously approved. l therefore put to the vote the draft resolution submitted by the Soviet Union on 2 September.


Mr. MALIK (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (translated from Russian): In view of the fact that the draft resolution was proposed at the beginning of the discussion of the question and that the majority of the members of the Council no longer remember the whole text, l should like to ask that it be read to us.


The Assistant Secretary-General in charge of the Department of Security Council Affairs read doclt1nent S/1757, the text of which follows:

"The Security Council,

"Considering the appeal of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China

regarding the act of aggression committed by the Government of the United States of America in the

form of the invasion by armed forces of the United States of America of the Island of Taiwan, which is

an inalienable part of the territory of China, as is admitted in the Cairo Agreement between the three

Powers, vi::;. the United States of America, Great Britain and China, of 1 December 1943, and of the

intervention thereby on the part of the Government of the United States of America in the internal affairs of China,


"considering also the declaration of the representative of the United States of America to the United

Nations, Mr. Austin, concerning the appeal of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China to the Security Council on the question of Taiwan,


"Condemns the said acts of the Government of the United States of America as an act of aggression and as an intervention in the internal affairs of China, "And resolves, with the object of putting an end

to such illegal acts, which violate the State sovereignty of the Chinese Republic, to propose to the

Government of the United States of America that it immediately withdraw all its air, sea and land forces from the island of Taiwan and from other territories belonging to China."


A vote was taken by show of hands.


In favour: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


Against: China, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Norway, United Kingdom of Great B:Itam and

Northern Ireland, United States of America, Yugoslavia.

India did not participate in the voting.

The PRESIDENT (translated from French): There was one vote in favour, and nine against. One member of the Council did not take part in the vote. The resolution is not adopted.



I put to the vote the draft resolution submitted by the representative of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China and sponsored by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [5/1921]. The text of that draft resolution reads as follows:


"The 5ecurity Council,


"Recognizing that the invasion and occupation of Taiwan by the armed forces of the Government of

the United States of America constitute open and direct aggression against Chinese territory,


"Recognizing that the armed aggression against Chinese territory and the armed intervention in

Korea bv the armed forces of the Government of the United States of America have shattered peace and security in Asia and violated the United Nations Charter and international agreements,


"Condemns the Government of the United States of America for its criminal acts of armed aggression

against the Chinese territory of Taiwan, and armed intervention in Korea;


"Resolves to demand the complete withdrawal by the Government of the United States of America of

its forces of armed aggression from Taiwan, in order that peace and security in the Pacific and in Asia may be ensured; and further


"Resolves to demand the withdrawal from Korea of the armed forces of the United States of America

and all other countries and to leave the people of North and South Korea to settle the domestic affairs

of Korea themselves, so that a peaceful solution of the Korean question may be achieved."


A vote was taken by show of hands.


In favour: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


Against: China, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Norway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland, United States of America, Yugoslavia.


India did not participate in the voting.


The PRESIDE'NT (translated from French): The result of the vote is as follows: one vote in favour, nine votes against, no abstentions. One delegation did not take part in the vote. The draft resolution is rejected.


l put to the vote the draft resolution submitted by Cuba, Ecuador, France, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States of America [5/1894] which reads as follows: •


"The 5ecurity Council,


"Recalling its resolution of 25 June 1950 determining that the North Korean forces had 'committed

a breach of the peace and calling upon all Members of the United Nations to refrain from giving assistance to the North Korean authorities,


"Recalling the resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 7 October 1950, which sets forth the

policies of the United Nations in respect to Korea, "!laving . noted from the special report of the Ul11ted Nations Command in Korea dated 5 November 1950 that Chinese communist military units are deployed for action against the forces of the United Nations in Korea,


"Affirming that United Nations forces should not remain in any part of Korea otherwise than so far as

necessary for achieving the objectives of stability throughout Korea and the establishment of a unified

independent and democratic government in the sovereign State of Korea, as set forth in the resolution of the General Assembly dated 7 October 1950,


"Insistent that no action be taken which might lead to the spread of the Korean conflict to other areas

and thereby further endanger international peace and security, "Calls upon ail States and authorities, and in particular those responsible for the action noted above, to refrain from assisting or encouraging the North Korean authorities, to prevent their nationals or individuals or units of their armed forces from giving assistance to North Korean forces and to cause the immediate withdrawal of any such nationals, individuals, or units which may presently be in Korea;


"Affirms that it is the policy of the United Nations to bold the Chinese frontier with Korea inviolate and

fully to protect legitimate Chinese and Korean interests in the frontier zone;


"Calls attention to the grave danger which continued intervention by Chinese forces in Korea would

entail for the maintenance of such a policy; "Requests the Interim Committee on Korea and the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea to consider urgently and to assist in the settlement of any problems relating to conditions on the Korean frontier in which States or

authorities on the other side of the frontier have an interest, and suggests that the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea proceed to the area as soon as possible, and, pending its arrival that it utilize the assistance of such States members of the Commission as now have representatives in the area for this purpose."


The Yugoslav delegation has asked for a vote in parts, that is, that we should first vote on the preamble

- the first three paragraphs - and then on the remainder of the draft resolution.


If there is no objection, we shall proceed in that manner.


There is no objection; therefore l put the first three paragraphs of the draft resolution to the vote.

A vote was taken by show of hands.


In favour: China, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Norway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America.


Against: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


Abstaining: Yugoslavia.


India did not participate in the voting.


The PRESIDENT (translated from French): The result of the vote on the preamble of the draft resolution is as follows: eight votes in favour, one against, one abstention. One delegation did not take part in the vote.


The vote against having been cast by a permanent member of the Security Council, the preamble of the

draft resolution is rejected.


l put to the vote the second part of the draft resolution, from the words "Affirming that United Nations

forces ... " to the end.


A vote was taken by show of hands.


In favoltr: China, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Norway, United Kin;,;c1om of Great Britain and

Northern Irelanc1, United States of America, Yugoslavia.


Against: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


1ndia did not participate in the voting.


The PRESIDENT (translated from French): The result of the vote on the second part of the draft resolution is as follows: nine votes in favour, one against, no abstention. One delegation did not take part in the vote.


As in the vote on the preamble, the vote against was cast by a permanent member of the Security Council, thus the second part of the draft resolution has also been rejected.


l call upon the members of the Council to vote on the draft resolution as a whole.


First, however, l call on the representative of the USSR, who wishes to speak on a point of order.


Mr. MALIK (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (translated from Russian): We have nothing to vote on. Both parts of the draft resolution have been rejected. According to the general practice followed by the Security Council and by other United Nations organs, when all parts of a draft resolution have been rejected, the resolution is not put to the vote as a whole.


The PRESIDENT (translated from French): The practice may have been as ML Malik says, but our rules of procedure contain no such provision and do not prohibit a vote. Moreover, l remember that on a number of occasions the representatives of the Soviet Union have asked the General Assembly to vote on a resolution as a whole even after all its parts had been rejected. l remember a specific case when ML Vyshinsky argued that a vote was a sovereign act by each delegation, which had the right to state its view on a


resolution as a whole, even when its different parts had been rejected.


Mr. MALIK (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (translated from Russian): The precedent in the General. Assembly which you have cited has nothing to do with the present situation. The delegation of the Soviet Union therefore sees no reason to put this resolution to the vote.


The President (translated from French): l regard the two interventions by the USSR representative as objections, and not as points of order requiring a decision by the Council. Consequently, if my interpretation is correct, l invite the Council to vote on the resolution as a whole.


A vote was taken by show of hands.


In favour: China, Cuba, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Norway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland, United States of America, Yugoslavia.


Against: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


India did not participate in the voting.


The PRESIDENT (translated from French): The result of the vote is as follows: nine votes in favour,

one against and no abstentions. One delegation did not take part in the vote. As the vote against the draft resolution was cast by a permanent member of the Council, the resolution is rejected.


We have completed our agenda. l cannot state the date of our next meeting as the presidency of Yugoslavia ends today. The next meeting will be called by my successor.


The meeting rose at 6.35 p.m.



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