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  首頁 > 影音網>親‧愛 美國眾,參2院議員:-台灣護照
親‧愛 美國眾,參2院議員:-台灣護照


[Tuber]於2020-02-17 14:02:46上傳[]


感謝您的答复,您的觀點很好。這個想法根本不懲罰台灣。它只是嘗試做一些不同的方法,因為有許多方法可以達到目標,而其他方法顯然是失敗的。台灣政府的憲法是不合時宜的,與過去和現在的台灣無關。但是,他們從不希望或不願意更改它。除非有外界壓力,否則時間只會使“現狀”永存。 我們只想向政府和國會指出,讓中華民國而不是“台灣”似乎違反了我們的法律。當這種抱怨傳到他們的耳邊時,他們可能會再想一次。
Pat : Thanks for the response and your point  is very well taken. The idea is not to punish Taiwan at all. It is simply try to do some different ways since there are many ways to reach the goal and other ways obviously failed. The Taiwan government is based on the constitution which is outdated unjust and nothing to do with past and current Taiwan. Yet they’re never want or reluctant to change it anyway. The time will only perpetuate the “status quo” unless there is outside pressure.  We just want to point out to our government and congress that to have Republic of China rather “Taiwan “ seems against our law. When this complaint reaches their ear they may think harder again.  Sent from my iPhone      On Feb 16, 2020, at 12:18 AM, Patrick Huang <PatHuangNY@aol.com> wrote:  My feedback:   呼籲美國拒絕ROC護照入境:在台灣人目前只有ROC護照可用的情況下,這樣的主張等於在處罰無辜的受害者。    而且,「你們不推翻ROC我就處罰你們。」請問一般的台灣人誰能嚥下這口氣?    想幫台灣去除ROC的用意雖然良善,但實際上只會引起台灣人的反感,造成反效果。國家大事有些只有時間才能改變,急不來。目前能夠確定的是國民黨越弱化,ROC就越短命。    Patrick  

To: 親‧愛 美國眾,參2院議員:


自1971年中華民國(ROC)被聯合國開除以來的幾十年來,中國的外交阻撓阻止中華民國加入聯合國等國際組織及其附屬組織,例如世界衛生組織(WHO) ),國際民航組織(ICAO),國際刑警組織(Interpol)等...顯然,這不僅在台灣 美國和世界其他地方對台灣參加該事務的興趣與利益。  




(B),台灣人民入境美國必須隨身攜帶台灣護照,但攜帶的護照不限於中華民國,因為這是違法的。    再次感謝您對台灣的支持!  


Dear Senator / Congressman : February 15,2020   

As your constituents, we write to you to thank you for supporting Taiwan and to bring issues of importance to many Taiwanese American communities.   

For the past several decades since Republican of China (ROC)was expelled from United Nations (UN) in 1971, China diplomatic obstruction had prevented ROC from gaining membership in international organizations such UN, as well as its affiliated organizations like World Health organization (WHO),the international Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO),Interpol,etc....

Clearly,It is not just in Taiwan’s  interest nor interest of United States and the rest of the worlds for Taiwan to participate the affairs.

   Through your many efforts and passions, the United States passed the Taiwan Relations Acts in 1979,the Taiwan Traveler Act in 2018, into law. and yet,we continue to allow ROC instead of Taiwan only passport for the entrance.

That is obviously and seriously against our law.    Today, the pandemic spread of Wuhan Coronavirus effect more than 24 nations ,52,000 people ,1350 deaths with mortality more than 3% will change the ways the world live profoundly among politic,economic ,social and security.So far with the painful experiences from SARS and Bird Flu virus epidemic Taiwan is effectively able to limit to 18 cases even with the insurmountable vicinity.That story need to be shared with World Health Assembly (WHA) as Health for All.   

To remedy those situations we strongly advocate A&B as appropriated policies.  (A),for Taiwan’s membership in all international organizations in which statehood is not a requirement and the United States is a participant.  (B),for Taiwan’s people to enter the United States must carry a passport with Taiwan only not Republic of China since it is against the law.    Again,thank you for the supporting Taiwan !  

  Name———————————————- Signature———————————-  Street Address———————————————————————————— 
