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  首頁 > 影音網>12/13影音回顧-時事點評98: 首爾之亂台北借鏡
12/13影音回顧-時事點評98: 首爾之亂台北借鏡


[謝鎮寬]於2024-12-19 18:12:12上傳[]


Seoul Crisis

The meeting covered topics including Taiwan's protection, healthcare policies, TikTok and China-related issues, changing something in a deal, Hong Kong, samples, manufacturing in the USA, possible military support, and compliance with employment regulations.

 • There was discussion about Taiwan and the need to protect it in case of invasion.

 • There was mention of healthcare policies, including pre-existing conditions and Obama care.

 • The conversation touched on TikTok and the need to protect it, as well as issues related to China.

 • There was discussion about changing something to "the" and "the deal" was mentioned multiple times.

 • There were mentions of Hang Kong, sampled today, and a deal that someone shouldn't give.

 • There was talk about September sample, Chase sample, and John sample.

 • There is discussion about working on something related to Taiwan and manufacturing in the USA.

 • There is mention of a possible military support to defect type situation.

 • There is a mention of the need to comply with employment regulations and payroll records.


南韓國會現有300人名額,執政的國民力量黨佔108席,最大在野共同民主黨佔190席,無黨籍佔2席,是名符其實的朝小野大,執政黨政令難以推行,可想而知。12 月 3 日,南韓總統尹錫悅於晚上 10 點 30 分(韓國時間)宣布緊急戒嚴,理由是需要保護國家免受「朝鮮共產主義勢力和反國家勢力的侵害,並重建和保護韓國免遭毀滅」。這是自1979年朴正熙總統被暗殺後,全斗煥全斗煥發動軍事政變後,自1980年以來首次宣布戒嚴。




Seoul Crisis

美西 12/13/2024 星期五下午 5:00pm
美東 12/13/2024 星期五下午 8:00pm
台灣 12/14/2024 星期六上午 9:00am

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