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  首頁 > 影音網>請為台灣連署- 向美申購COVID-19 預苗
請為台灣連署- 向美申購COVID-19 預苗


[台灣海外網]於2021-05-17 04:05:05上傳[]


I just signed the petition "President of the United States: Get COVID-19 Vaccine for Taiwan" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.
Our goal is to reach 2,500 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:


 Michelle Wu started this petition to President of the United States and 3 others
We hereby declare that the US government sell Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to Taiwan, a country near Southeast Asia, to aid them in the spread of COVID-19.
Taiwan is a very important country that can manufacture lots of machinery, like TSMC microchips, which are ranked high globally. Few other countries could create these skillful pieces of delicate machinery, and Taiwan now needs our help.
Taiwan recently had another outbreak of COVID-19, causing the number of cases to rise exponentially over the course of 5 days. We all have many relatives living in Taiwan, so we would worry for their health if they contracted the virus. Think of how Taiwan might be affected, with its 23 million population.
These microchips are part of the many machines and tools that America uses, and since Taiwan has limited resources, we ask that the US consider selling extra Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to Taiwan, only 20-30 million. Taiwan may be able to resist the outbreak with the help of the vaccines, so it is crucial that the general public gets vaccinated.
The only vaccines that Taiwan can access are AstraZeneca from the United Nations, and even those ran out. Now that the US has some vaccines, like Pfizer and Moderna, maybe the US would be willing to sell some of those vaccines to Taiwan to help them.
由於有了疫苗,COVID-19 終於停止了對美國的威脅。最近出現了一個問題。台灣是一個能夠迅速採取行動以制止病毒傳播,並且具有全球影響力的國家。